Actor: Christian Bale | |
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Author: Sarah Dessen | |
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Book: Lock and Key | |
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Brand of Leo: GK | |
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Color: Purple and yellow | |
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Drink: Water and Gatorade | |
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Event: Floor | |
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Female Gymnast: Nastia Liukin and Shannon Miller | |
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Food: Grilled chicken with pea pods | |
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Gym Memory: Placing third at my first international assignment in Belgium |
Kind of Music: Pop | |
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Magazine: USA Gymnastics | |
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Male Gymnast: Jonathan Horton | |
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Movie: The Illusionist | |
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Music Artist: Rihanna, Selena Gomez and Alicia Keys | |
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School Subject: English | |
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Skill: Jaegar on bars | |
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Thing to Collect: Swarovski Crystals | |
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TV Show: CSI | |
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Website: Mylifeisaverage.com